Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How can I fix a stair riser that is the improper height?

My contractor put in new stairs to the basement, removing rug and increasing width of each step to 11 inches and creating a 22 inch wide landing at the top, to accommodate my physical limitations, I had measured risers, and thought all were 7 and 1/2 inches, which is a comfortable height for me (even though 6 inches is even better). However, when I tested out the stairs late Friday, I discovered that from the kitchen floor to the first step (the landing), there is a drop-off of 8 and 1/2 inches! It was distressing that having paid a large sum of money for new stairs, the step down to the first step causes my body to lurch forward. That one extra inch makes a dramatic difference. I knew something was wrong after the first try, and that's when I measured. The rest of the steps work just fine for me. I am way distressed about this. How can it be fixed? How did it happen? I have written out various ideas for a "patch", including eliminating the lovely landing and inserting another 4-inch high step at the very top as an intermediary, but none really make me happy. It is frustrating to know that if he had broken that one inch difference into small 1/8 inch units (or less) and distributed throughout the 12 steps, it would have been perfect. Any ideas what to do now "after the fact". thanks for any ideas.

Urgent bee sting help?

So yesterday i was running barefoot as usual but i stepped on a bee and it stung me at the bottom base of the long toe next to the big toe. Now i wake up this morning and the front of my foot is swollen and its too painfull to walk on it. Im not allergic to bee stings so dont tell me to see a doctor. I just want to know what to do to alleviate the discomfort. Btw i have no product to put on it. Should i just put my foot in a ice bath or something?

Who's better Britney Spears or Lady Gaga?

i'm over both of them but still listen to them sometimes but i still adore Britney but i don't adore Brit as much as i adore the cat Dolls. (Sigh) So I guess i'll pick Britney

When you lose water weight does your body actually get thinner?

you dont actually look thinner but you lose weight. the only way to look thinner is to get rid of fat and gain muscle..which is much leaner

Lower back pain,stabbing pain in left ock,numb leg & toes.hydrocodone doesn't touch the only 22HEL?

i am a hard physical laborerer.currently working only 22. the pain is rediculisly painfull.hydrocodone is not working.pinched nurve,sliped disc,ruptured disc? pain mostly in lower back region/left cheak.numb tingling pain through thigh, thightness around back of knee, throbing & numb calf and toes. ortho wants lumbar surgery. HELP!

Do non believers (or believers) understand there is a difference between...?

I agree to a certain extent. As far as whose to blame, I'd have to say the fault lies with the Christians on this one.

I was just wondering if anyone has done an ignment on Projectile Motion in physics ??? I need help!! URGENT?

On what types of graphs shown from my results (range, velocity) and the types of physics principles i need to state in the background info.

Quotes about Strength/Life/Love. Nothing cheesy please, just profound or inspirational :)?

Hey, I just went through a rough patch and had a epiphany :). I feel like a very strong individual and I really love life. So basically I want some SHORT good quotes that represent what I went through, an idea for a tattoo possibly? Thank you so much :)

We have ASTRONOMY and we have ASTRO-PHYSICS ... Whats the difference?

i mean whats the difference in their study..... i know we have physical calculations spread throughout the universe (ASTRO-"PHYSICS") but what is the significance of ASTRONOMY? Is there any study of the universe not related to physics??

What are some farewell songs?

I've become really close with a friend I met in college and she's leaving to go back to Colorado for school and I wanted a good song for her. Any suggestions? (besides time of your life) preferably songs by artist like Yellowcard and Boys Like Girls, basically Alternative type bands

What are some good clics to read?

So far, I have Catch-22, The great Gatsby, As I Lay Dying, Huckleberry Finn, Brave New World, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice and Men, and Tom Sawyer. I am aware that I should read 1984 so scratch that. Any other clic or just very well written suggestions?

EXTREME Buddy Sour Issues?

well, go tye the sour horse to a tree 10 miles away and when she stops whining and freaking out, then give her some food tye her up really good so he/she dosnt escape. then, if it escapes leave it out there for longer tyed up and put some panels up so if it gets loose and hurts itself while trying to escape the panels then it might learn a lesson. if it dosnt learn,then you are out of luck. it worked for me hope it does the same for you.

Gay nephew??

I went through a gay phase around 1st grade. I got out of it pretty quick. This isn't phase its time for immediate action! Does the boy live with his father? If not he certainly should! Force him to join a sports team and have his father leave playboys around the house. And for God's sake block the Disney Channel!!!!!

Sarah Palin's big ambition is to appear on SNL so she can imitate Tina Fey?

It exposes her true character. She wants to be the biggest celebrity in the world. When she loses the election, I expect to see her on Survival and Dancing with the Stars, or maybe in Playboy.

What do people here think of The Melvins?

I like them. I was introduced to them a few weeks back. Thank you The Radio Waves Were Like Snow. Anyways I love the song you chose great choice. One of my favorites would have to be "Honey Bucket". They are a very interesting, and great band. I really like them from what I have heard they are a fantastic band.

How do I make new friends?

De La Salle is a great school and a smart kid like you deserves that opportunity, but remember where stereotypes come from: generalizations and umptions about others without having all the information. Is it possible that your carrying umptions about all these "hella spoiled" kids too and its preventing you from seeing that each one of them has their own story, and their own personality? Stick to your guns, study hard and let your natural qualities show, and as you do this the other kids will begin to see you for who you are, and see through any umptions that they falsely made about you. Be real with them, don't compromise who you are and look for their own stories as you talk to them. It'll work out well for you ok, Take care - Brian

What are my chances of financing a vehicle?

I am 21 years old and I'm looking to buy a used vehicle from a dealership for approx. 20-25k. I have no credit. However I have a full time job that I have been at for well over a year now, have a 3k down payment, and I have been with my bank for over 3 yrs now. Have never over drawn my account and have no problems with them financially. Would I still need a co-signer to be able to purchase the vehicle?

Sigmatel audio updates.?

i have a sigmatel audio sound card in my xps 400 and i realy need to update the driver. i have been at this all day. the driver name is sthda.sys and the version is 5.10.4823.0000 (english). this is my last resort and i do not where ima go after this, please help me out with this and i will be your personal slave forever=).

Can a male and female really only be just friends? (I am hoping not)?

I knew from the moment I met him he was going to be someone very important to me, I just didn't understand it. happened a week ago. at the time he was just breaking up with his girlfriend of 2 1/2 years. I didn't come on to him or anything...I felt a connection right away, a profound one, but I don't open up about my feelings easy. anyways, I was and still am finding myself seeing more and more in him, but at the same time I have become the sudden unexplainable best friend. we have talked for endless hours and he is soooo happy to have me as a friend...he heard around some people I maybe liked him and he was scared I did apparently because he didn't want anything to ruin this friendship. now I don't know what to do because I know very well this guy could become one of the people I am closest to in my life but I am afraid of falling for him, I don't feel like there is any possibility. can a guy and girl really only be friends? should I cut these feelings out or is there any hope at all?

Is misogyny on Internet forums such as this evidence for the continuing need for feminism?

You can't rid of insecurity with feminism. We need to see why men who hate women do hate women at all and you will see many of them were abuse by a violent/controlling mother/ex etc... So what feimism needs to do is raise awareness for women abusing too as well as men. And not act like onyl men abuse.

What message does the poem "picture puzzle piece" give?

the puzzle piece is small and insignificant in the world, but it could be anything as a part of something bigger. like people. a human being is just another mammal, but they could be someone's mom or they could be the person who cures cancer. nothing has more possibilities.

Please tell me what my dream ment?

ok so i had a dream about pauly D from Jersey Shore and we were talking in my school gym and it was an embly there and the lights were dim (all eyes weren't on us though we were off to the side) so we were talking and i asked for a hug because i said i loved him on the show and he said sure no problem. then we hugged for a good 30 secs (so that's pretty long for a hug) then my old teacher (mr. carey) was like telling us some stuff about relationships and we were holding hands at that time. everybody was staring after my old teacher was done talking ( *remember we are still off to the side*) so now pauly D started kissing me and after that i really really liked him. then we were standing really close to each other. the embly was over and his mom was saying he had to go and i said can i get a picture with him and after i took the picture i was (in the picture) keke palmer witch was weird. then we were in danger it was Niagara Falls and he was playing with me(still PaulyD) and he let go of me then i was at the edge of Niagara Falls (it was ice not water though) pauly D tried to save me and after he saved me he was in danger so i yelled to him and tried to save him and i did. then we heard police and ambulance sounds and then we left the school gym. ***** another dream after that " mike the situation was in my school room with the lights turn off and no one in there execpt me and him so i was like i am doing a survey on male height so them i had a tape mesurer and check his height then we both fell down and i was between his legs and we were laughing and his face was serious so i turned around and i saw my friend and she was mad at me for something so she cursed at me and i said happy birthday......*********** please tell me what my dream ment and please dont make fun of me i am opening up to you guys********* please help!!!!!

Wii Problem Wont Sync?

I play wii sometimes, and usually it works great. But then one day i wanted to play and my wii remote wouldnt let me; it wasnt connected to the wii. i tried to sync the wii and the remote but it hasnt worked....i held the console sync on 15 seconds and pressed the wii remote's sync on and tried everything but NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!! what should i do???

Are these signs of an aproaching growth spurt?

I'm in the same situation as u! I'm 19 and I'm 5 8, and lately ive been eating and sleeping like crazy! I always exercise to, but I've gained a lil weight! It could be a spurt cause us men dont stop growing till 21-25! Let's hope and pray:) btw Dennis rodman went from 5'9" to 6'8" at the age of 20!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is It possible for two plants or two animals to have identical genotypes? Explain?

Identical twins have identical genotypes. Plants from aual reproduction (cutting)have identical genotypes.


In Chapter 9, when Catherine cant decide whether to marry Edgar or Heathcliff, she asks Nelly for her advice. Using only that chapter, what strategies does Emily Bronte use to reveal Catherine's internal conflict (imagery, symbols, figurative language, motifs)?

Where can i find/watch the movie "the chronicles of narnia prince caspian"?

i saw it in theaters and i can't go back because they are closed for repair and the other movie theaters are really far away.

Do you think the oakland raiders will get back on task?

no, they r not a good football team, the only player on the team that i like is Campbell, they did win five games last year, i think they could win one or two more though, but they wont be getting into the playoffs or close to it, they just dont have the talent

Who Sings The New Version Of To Love Somebody?

Well, first off, the original song you're thinking of isn't To Love Somebody, or by Janis Joplin. It is Somebody To Love by Jefferson Airplane. I have no clue about a newer version though.

Did Michelle Obama's thesis praise for Black Panther leaders influence the dismissal of a case against them?

while I am very much against the President's policies and all forms of racism, whether it is black or white, I don't support bringing families into politics, and she didn't outright say these things, she was just exploring different opinions about Seale and her "blackness"...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Could you figure out the problem in this code?

I'd suggest starting by explaining what the code is supposed to do and in what way it isn't working.

Where can I find a video on the wildlife of Iran (Persia)?

I know i have seen one before on discovery channel or so doenting Iran's bears, leopards, cheetahs and fallow deer, so i know there has to be someone who knows.

Hazy spot in my yard? Ghost??? No idea, but a little scared! Even my dog noticed it!?

There was a weird light spot in my yard this morning. It almost looked like a haze. At first I thought it was a beam of light from the sun, but it wasn't in a line or anything...if any shape I would call it more of a glob, not even a foot wide and maybe 3 feet tall. It was hard to focus on. It seemed to keep disintigrating and reappearing really quickly. It's very hard to describe! I was playing with my dog and he noticed when I stopped paying attention to him. He came over to me and then he saw it, too! He crouched down and walked toward it slowly like he was curious. He went to sniff it and as soon as his nose touched the spot where the "haze" (not sure what else to call it) was at, it completely disappeared and my dog ran the other direction. There have been strange happenings at my house before, but nothing huge and nothing I ever really thought much of. And on top of that, no strange things have happened in a while. Please excuse any spelling errors. I'm very tired, but I've been pondering this all day. I just want to put it out there and see if anyone has any advice or answers for me? What could it have been? Could it have been a ghost or a spirit (whichever you prefer). Even my dog noticed it, which actually worries me, because that proves that SOMETHING was there. Any similar stories would be appreciated. I'm a little bit scared now.

Is friday night smackdown on tomorrow 9/5/08?

because i checked cw 11 and it said baseball will be on if you know what channel it will be on please tell me please

Has anyone seen the list of "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Vegetarian/vegan cookie recipes?

I usually eat quite healthy, but I really want to make something sweet at the moment. Does anyone know of any good vegetarian or vegan wheat bran/oat bran cookies? I don't want anything that's too unhealthy. Any serious answers are appreciated.

Plz frnd help m out from where i can access ice concise maths of cl 10 for free and if u have it so plzmail?

plz mail me some of its back ques on monday there are my exams so it is very necessary to hav it so plz help me out ASAP

What fossil fuel gas responsible for sulfuric acid rain?

The gas is Sulfur Dioxide. It is formed by the combustion of sulfur compounds present fuels that are combusted.

Which weapon's replica should I make? Please reply!!?

I need about 200-300$ and I was thinking of making some prop weapons from reinforced cardboard and fibergl, fully painted with detachable scopes and stuff. Which weapon(s) should I make and how much should I price them at? I am thinking of the m200 cheytac intervention and the vector smg. At what prices should I sell them>

Does anyone know of any skin lightening products that actually work?

ok so heres the deal. im a teenage guy and ive had eczema for a while. it seems that everytime i scratch or something it leaves a lot of dark marks all over my body to the point where its consumed a lot of my body. these marks are everywhere imaginable and it really pisses me off. Now ive tried store products like palmers fade cream, which contains an ingredeitn called hydroquinone, but unfortunately it doesnt work for me. Ive also heard that lemon juice is a good way of eliminating these dark marks, and frankly, ive tried that for a while too. i went to a dermatologist and they said the only thing i could do is wait, but i really dont wanna wait another few years for that, because it really ***** with me and it inteferes with my self confidence. so i guess my question is: does anyone know of any skin creams out there that can help, or perhaps some sort of home remedy of some sort that has worked for other people. please, ive been dealing with this problem for years now and i feel like theres just no hope, does anyone have any suggestions besides the hydrquinone or lemon juice thing?

Has anyone bought a Triumph Daytona 675 out of arkansas?

if anyone has bought one, i was curious about what they thought about the dealer, and also anyone, if you could give me feedback to the daytona compared to the other 600's. thanks in advance.

What's the labor time and cost to replace fuel pump on a 1972 fORD MAVERICK?

they will probably charge you 1 hr. labor and take 1/2 hour to do it and call the parts store to find the price of the pump.

Is my mentor interested in me? Please answer?

I have a judicial mentorship with a gentleman who is an old family friend. He always smiles and winks at me during court proceedings, but doesn't to anyone else. The other day he held his hand out for me to put my hand on top of when we were walking down the stairs. Once we got to his office he told me that all his colleagues as who "the gorgeous young woman is in court", referring to me. He also walks me out of the building everyday and opens my doors. Is he interested in me, or just being polite/friendly? If he's interested, how do I let him know I am interested as well while still being a lady?

How do you look up a united kingdom email adress from the United States?

I'm a soldier from the U.S Army, and last month I met 4 really cool British soldiers at Camp Buerhing Kuwait while we were all waiting to go to Iraq. They gave me their email addresses, all yahoo, but I lost them. I'd like to get back in touch with them, how do I look up a UK email from Yahoo U.S?? Every time I try, it only gives me American Listings. HELP!!

Genetics or a combo of other possibilities?

well i'm no expert but couldn't it be both? it could be genetics causing your menopause, which in turn causes a hormonal change, which then causes your shift in weight.

Charcoal/grit for atiel?

I recently got a pet bird, a atiel. She's about 6 months old now. My parents had a atiel for over 20 years. They gave me a list of things to get my bird, and on it was oyster shell grit and charcoal. Now, their bird lived for a long time and was given charcoal daily (not sure about the grit). But I read online that grit is only for wild birds that swallow seeds whole, not pet birds that break into seeds. It seemed to suggest it would do more bad than good, too. Is charcoal considered grit and are they both unnecessary? Or should I have at least one for my bird and if so, which is better? I'm confused. Can anyone explain this for me please?

I want my boyfriend back?

My bf of 1yr broke up wit me(or takin a break as he said). dis devastated me,cuz we were perfectly happy other dan havin a few issues seein each other but we were wrkin on it. I go to see him n we were limin wit his friends who i dont really kno. they were very welcomin but im a quiet person so i was very humble n to bf got mad n we exchanged wrds...he broke it off wit me dat nite. but i want him bk,we have been tru worse fights dan dis n made tru. n he always askin me to marry him,no one was cheatin...n im sad. we recently started tlkin after days of ignorin me but i stil feel d tension. how do i get things bk to normal?? guys ur opinions r greatly welcomed.

Do you think if we followed 1 Peter 6:11-12 we'd have a better time in the world with everyone?

No. I think if everybody tossed aside their bibles and korans we would have a better world with everyone.

Help! Possible bfp while on bcp?

I had unprotected with my partner on cd14. I then missed (for the first time in the 5 years) my bcp on cd16 and cd17. Subsequently, I got af on what would have been cd18 through cd23. Once the next Sunday rolled around (I'm a Sunday starter) I started taking my bcp. Before that Sunday I had three days of no af or bcp. I had unprotected again (with my loving, committed, monogamous partner) the Tuesday after the Sunday I started taking my pills again (now CD 12 since it all started over after I missed my pills on first cd16 and cd17). I have been having every textbook pregnancy symptom. Sleepiness, nausea, canker sore (which I haven't has since I was a kid!), runny nose with bleeding, what appears to be implantation bleeding, big sore bbs, veiny chest. But I know these could all just be pms. I'm waiting to take an hpt until missed af but is it possible that I'm pg?

Why do so many dislike Catholics?

I've noticed there is a considerable amount of hatred for Catholicism and it's followers, especially by atheists. Any particular reason why?

Do current student loans affect my credit score?

From my understanding, no. I have student loans and it has not affected my credit score. I think it's only when you start paying your loan that it begins to affect your score if you default or have late or missed payments. Hope this helps

My best friend has become lowlife s. Please help me. Please!?

My best friend Carmen recently started dating another one of my guy best friends Nick. Now, I was okay with it before, and I didn't mind it. Yesterday, all of us including my boyfriend Anthony went. Her mom also went because Carmen's little brother wanted to see the movie too. They sat all the way in the front, and we sat in the back. The whooole entire time, they were making out, and it was really awkward. Like, I would randomly hear Carmen say 'a little to the left, yea now your too close, okay good'. Obviously he was feeling her up, and she was guiding him around. Me and my boyfriend weren't doing any of that, and we've been dating WAY longer. I told her to stop, because her mom was gonna see her, and she said she didn't care. I feel that she doesn't care anymore. Someone in the movie theatre even said 'look at that little slut'. I told her, and she still kept going. Can someone please help me out in this situation, how can I tell her she's acting totally indecent, and how can I make her understand?

How to convert video audio to other language?

I downloaded a video from ares but the audio was spanish. is there a way to convert it to english? because most of the tv series i need has a spanish audio.

Do you ever want to go home? Where is your hometown?

Yes, I find myself missing home. I'm from Georgia. There is nothing like the south. It seems as if I'm not happy unless I'm in the south. I guess like they say my heart is in dixie.

Why is it so difficult to give your life fully to God?

I've been having a hard time commiting my life fully to God. I've given up so many things, but right when i finally give one thing up theres another thing that pops up that i need to change. It feels lke I'm hopeless and a loss cause sometimes...its alot harder trying to be a good person than it was when I was a bad person..i want to give up at times and yes i ocionaly do fall, but then I think of all Jesus has done in my life and i try and get back on track. I'm just at that point where im tired of trying agian. I miss all of my friends that i had to stop hanging around and i miss all the things i used to do. Its hard being a Christian when you feel like there is no one that understands you... why does it have to be so difficult?

Do you think this will taste good.............?

Feeling lazy today, and just threw 5 chicken legs and some Jamacian Jerk Marinade into a crock pot with a little water. Opinions?

Have you ever secretly done something to get revenge on someone and they never found out?

What did you do? I knew that my husband (ex now) was cheating on me and he had been cooking this soup in a crock pot all day, and when I got home from work I peed in it, and when he got home, he ate it. We have been divorced for over 8 years now and I never told him.

How great was the Knicks performance tonight with their 3 new players?

As a Knicks follower, I was thoroughly impressed with how the newly bought Tracy McGrady and Eddie House did. Rodriguez did alright, but House and McGrady impressed the most. Anyone concur?

Fragile X gene/early menopause question.?

It's been known for girls as young as 18 to go though the menopause,but if you're really concerned go and speak to your practice nurse.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is my girlfriend pregnant?

Some times if your hormones are all out of wack you can miss your period on birth control. After missing the second month on birth control is when you should get a pregnancy test. So if she doesn't get her period this month I'd go get a test, but it is too early even if she is pregnant to be nauseous and be showing signs already. Good luck!

Does this song mean annything and why does thise kid touch me?

Ok so my friend in my cl did a song and it went like this:When you see him you wanna touch him and make him fell like he is home because he's lost and I don't think he can find him self today.Yea I saw him,yea I see him ever day but when I see him and when I love him I know he cares but when he cares it's all so unreal.Because he's lost and I don't think he can find him self today.One day I swear he will come around and feel but for today he is always numb.Oh so he gets a knife and carves a name into his skin and his friends all worry but to him it's such a lovely sin and yes it is all the same to him we think he should fell some sham but he fells no pain on the inside.Because he's lost and I don't think he can find him self today.Yea I said he's lost inside so how can he find him self?He's a really nice face but on the inside he is a killer that the world won't meet.So how can he?Oh how can he find him self?And he is lost I don't think he can find his Way back home but if he does I hope he doesn't kill me. So that's the song and the kid in my cl is a psychopath his parents told my teacher that and we got a waring about him and about the song I think my friend loves him and his name is Joe and my friend's name is Crystal and I am really worried about her so I hope this song doesn't mean anything.And also Joe gets really close to me in school like ever day at lunch he grabs me and everthing but he does it under the table so noboday sees him.So plase help me.

Would my 5 yr old American Staffiture bull terrier fight with an adopted 4 yr old Staffiture bull terrier ?

For one thing, its Staffordshire, if buster licked Dennis' face that is a sign of submission, sense both dogs are not dominant, i think they may grow to like each other, however as Buster becomes accustomed to his new life he may become dominant too. Feed them in separate rooms and keep an eye on them. If it doesn't work out, please find a nice home for buster.

What mark do I need to p?

You need to ace it, rounding out about 91%. Basically every exam point is a grade point; so you need 50/55 to p.

Is it illegal to print quotation from movie on the T-shirts and sell them?

i think since it's not really a picture... copywright material like downloading illegally then it should be okay ... jsut because someone says a saying doesn't mean someone else hasn't said it before words i believe.... pictures... no.

Clic celebrities (1900-1970), which ones were y?

Well, fiddle-de-dee, I declare it must be Mr. Butler in "Gone With the Wind" (Clark Gable of course.)

For those of you needing hope: I got my BFP today!!?

Congrads. I hope next month is my month. It'll be the first month of trying for my husband and I after a miscarriage at 11 weeks.

Will fish die, if I leave for 1 week?

If you cannot get someone to feed them for you, then they will be fine for a week.They can go longer than that if they have too but it is kind of cruel to force them to fast much longer than a week. Feed them heavily leading up to your departure. Then do a 30-40% water change the day you leave or as close to then as your schedule allows.

Where to find ugg boots?

I want to buy a pair of Uggs but they are way to expensive for me. is there places that have ugg boots at a cheaper price. or are there knock offs any where?

Spiritually Speaking: Who do you think is going to win the superbowl?

I would prefer that these teams didn't go to the Superbowl. I am a Bears fan. But considering the painful cirstances. I would slightly prefer the packers to win. Yes I know the Bears and packers are big rivals but I don't want my cousin to be gloating if the Steelers win.

Looking for an old Jane Fonda and Peter Finch movie!?

Ok I am looking for In the cool of the day from 1963. It was with Jane Fonda, Peter Finch and Angela Lansbury, I would love to find this film, because my mom was an extra in it when she was a little kid. We've been looking for this movie for ages and we just can't seem to find it. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to find this movie? Thank you!!!

What is the best, easiest torrent client/program/downloader to use when using someone elses wifi & no router?

I use ares as my default torrent client/downloader cuz it's just 'easy' for me.. i'm not completely computer savy but know enough to get me by.. the dilemma is I'm working off someone elses wifi connection & it's very weak, only about 5.5mbps.. ares for some reason always is 'searching' for users although at times it does show that there are multiple users, however, never connects.. & i mean with SEVERAL torrents! yet it has no problem connecting & downloading it's 'own' ares searches.. i would luv to use a better torrent client, however, since i don't have a router and am using the internal wireless card, i have no 'port' to open on other apps to allow torrents to download.. forgive me if i sound ignorant, as i said, i don't know too much.. basically, i'm looking for any information on the best program to download torrents without a router working off of someone elses wifi that will give me decent results and any specific settings i might have to tweak within that program to help me attain those results... ur replies would be greatly appreciated.. as i said, i use ares cuz i don't need to specify a port & it does everything pretty automated.. thnk you, in advance~

What is a "choppy" gait?

synonyms in standard English would be great. I need to translate it into Spanish and I�m not very familiar with horse vocabulary. Thanks!!

SAT ESSAY! can you please help me grade my essay?

your essay, according to me, is SUPER!....the way its written is really nice........=)....i think it deserves a can u think of what to write in 25 minutes??

Is creationism a peer-reviewed and acceptable theory of science?

It is not. It is not an empirical theory as it cannot be tested and it is unfalsifiable. It has not been subjected to peer review because if it was, it would be disproved in heartbeat. It cannot be a proper theory because it is untestable. Until Christians realize that, they won't stop pushing their agenda

How can i contact customer care?

i have 3 accounts.the3rd is working.the 2nd tells me to contact cust. care.the first is simply to long ago to remember the data to create a new pword. iwant access to close them but iwould like to see what's in them 1st.

How can I make people accept that I don't want a girlfriend?

Just tell them to mind their own business. You make your own choices. Don't let them tell you what you should and shouldn't do.

Should I get these UGGs or these UGGs? there are 3 links?

The last ones are the cutest for sure and then next would be the first ones...I would get them in a different color but when they are folded down they are cute.

Do carbs really go straight to your stomach?

I'm not trying to diet or lose weight but I would still like to keep slim but the amount of people that say bread and potatoes and pasta go straight to your stomach means I'm wary of eating them, do they really?

Please help in chemistry?

Iodine-131, a beta emitter, has a half-life of 8 days.How many days have ped if 24.0 g of iodine-131 decayed to 3.00 grams of iodine-131?

Should mankind invest in exploration of space?

My husband and I have this argument a lot. He believes that space should be explored but not if we have to sacrifice the resources that could be put toward our problems that we have back on earth. In truth he has a good point, however I still tend to take the opposite view. I believe that space should be explored but it should be done in a responsible manor. Currently right now there are hundreds of technologies and medical devices or procedures that have come about because of our involvement in space, including inventions that help fight disease and world hunger. Humans greatest inventions have always come out of it's necessity and the exploration of space forces the necessity upon us. Lastly, that which can not be measured, space has inspired human beings since we could first be considered human. The now reachable stars have filled the dreams, imagination, and aspirations of millions of children and more than a few adults. This is something that can never have a price on it, and it spite of the ever evolving list of problems that humans will have, space exploration shouldn't be something that is too be taken away in order to help solve those problems. Instead it should be ever more pursued, with the hopes of accomplishing the same goal.

Cristians, will the antichrist be aware...?

I think probably not at first, but when the time comes for him to establish his power he will. My opinion.

Should I be angry that my mum hasnt taken me to hospital..?

Where's your dad? My gf has the same issues with her mom, she's always angry at her and so am i. There's nothing we can do though, if you get seriously hurt then it's on her and she needs to deal with it, hopefully your neck problem is minor it may hurt but ive had pains in my neck like that to the point where i couldn't move my shoulder or even get out of bed. Try finding a comfortable position where the pain is a little less painful. If it gets worse then she'd better take you, it's not right for her not to care.

Both silicon dioxide and phosphorus pentoxide is covalent bonds. Why are they solid state at s.t.p?

So far i've hear oxygen gas to be covalent bond, chlorine gas to be covalent bond but they are gas at s.t.p. why isnt it the same for silicon dioxide and phosphorous pentoxide?

Which QB to start? Edwards or Schaub?

deffinitly go edwards the bills are playing awsome and you probaly saw what the jets did to the cards secondary so expect that to happen again and go heath miller with the steelers out of running backs they will run alot of no huddle and p more to avoid the hard hitting jags defense so expect a td for miller

Just WHO are liberals trying to "liberate" with a mive and bloated federal government?

.......that sticks its nose into every aspect of life in this country AND one that rewards lazy, irresponsible people with a nice, juicy check every month courtesy of YOUR hard earned tax dollar.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Times Cryptic 4277?

Deprivation stands for POVERTY. If you take away the first and last letters (the 'limits'), the result is OVERT. Hence OVERT is correct.

JFK Reloaded ?????????

I've been playing that JFK Reloaded game. It's a simulation where you get points by getting as close to what actually happened with your shots. I've read up on the event and it seems to me that Lee Harvey Oswald waited till a really inconvenient time to fire. could this possibly lead credence to the conspiracy theories? I would prefer answers from people that have played the game and know the details of the ination of JFK. Thanks!


Turning the moon into a "person" with a face. The moon "looks" over the ledges. It makes you think that the moon is alive.

Jaguar and Cheetah Mix?

No such mix is possible. Cheetahs are actually in a completely different Genus from all other big cats. Although it is related to the others becasue it is in the same is the most different big cat of them all..that is why it has it's very OWN genus. One of the main differences is that Cheetahs do not have retractable claws like other cats. Usually only very closely related big cats can interbreed...they must have the same number of csomes and are usually in the same genera such as lions and tigers both being in the Panthera genera.

Please put my mind a ease with cramping when pregnant x?

Hi hunny those period cramps are very normal, don't worry too much. Congratulations on your bfp!!!!!

What are some good knitting/crocheting ideas? might be your answer. They host mystery crochet alongs weekly on their website and on their facebook page. The site is great. The members are fantastic. Hope this helps gives you something to crochet.

Did you get a loan for your wedding and regretted the loan?

im engaged and i said abut getting a SMALL loan to help but people have told me not to do it its a big thing for 1 day.

If humans were "designed" by a "designer", why not a better job?

Well if God's method to create us was evolution, then I suppose that leaves you praising Him for a job well done rather than complaining about the poor results.

Why can't I watch FULL episodes of SNL on netflix?

So I just discovered that I can watch SNL on netflix instantly! Yay! But, the problem is that it seems to be short, they don't show the musical guests and it feels like sketches are missing. Why is that? Is it all there just without the musical guests? Are all of the sketches there?

Did you see the jonas brothers skit on snl?

Go on and you can watch it. I like it a lot, and I want to know you guy's thoughts on the matter.

Does acne fade as you get older?

Yes...that is what I heard. The years you mostly have acne are your pre-teen and teen years (between 12-20). Then it should go away. I've heard that it does come back for a little while in your 40s.

Whats your favourite piano rock number ?

I could say many songs by The Stranglers, and since you did not specify electric or acoustic piano - I'll say 'Go Buddy Go.'

Who are you? find out!?

January 1st. I guess I'm an ugly stripper lol! I didn't know that about myself-- good job ruining my self-esteem (lol I'm kidding)!

Will a solution of ground phosphate and bleach kill the hanging moss in my oak trees without damaging the lawn

St. Augustine gr, the owner does not want to harm the trees. physical removal has proven tedious, also the moss is a nuisance to the underlying landscape. the trees are showing epiphytic stress due to the lack of available moisture. the trees are of historical value and we do not wish to trim them for some time. We're talking a lot of moss here people. Surely there is some place I can turn it in at to attain a small profit. I am in Lake county, Fl.. Also, I believe that there is a method that could be achieved with a pressure washer as a delivery mechanizm for a product that won't harm the environment. I think maybe even a fertilizer that is too strong for the moss may be diluted by the time it oxidizes and reaches the ground. Yes, I know what copper sulphate is. But I believe it will harm the new growth and that any attempts should be timed seasonally to avoid this.

So does he like me or not? :/?

but u must think before u do...coz outside there have playboy if the boy want to play your heart how it feel???hurt right??so LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP

Is the Resident Evil franchise worsening?

The movies after the original literally sucked. As for the games, after RE3, the scare factor lost its appeal. First RE film was so scary and atmospheric. Then the 2nd and 3rd films just exploded into action and mutant creatures killing everything. Resident Evil 4, although fun, ceases to pose any sense of dread on its players. All you gotta do is have fast reflexes and big guns. It gets boring after a while, since the atmosphere and story are gone. Now RE5 for the PS3 takes place in a sunny African village. Before that it was a Spanish town. Don't they understand the fact that zombies aren't supposed to TALK? And what's the deal with zombies wielding weapons like knives, etc. In my opinion this breaks down the 'reality' of the zombie universe. It makes them more human and less bizarre, which takes away from the oddness that contributed to their scariness in the first place. Large sunny landscapes? Come on, it's so bright you can see clearly what's coming towards you!

Does anyone remember the title of a childrens fantasy movie from the mid 80s involving a kangaroo and a witch?

Does anyone know of a fantasy movie made in mid 80s to early 90s about young kid you journeys through a mystical world, and befriends a kangaroo named "Boxer"? Them and others destroy a witch, obsessed with the color of her hair

BB on a Budget... More Interesting?

Lol - Well lets face it, it couldn't be any worse than Big Brother could it? The above articles would be more intelligent for a start!

Is it possible to italicize or bold text with just your keyboard?

I'm wondering if it possible to italicize, bold, or even underline text with only your keyboard and not your mouse. Do you know how can I do this?

Significant figures and implied values?

the value is o.378. therefore, there is 3 sig fig. i want to know what is its implied value. which is 0.378 is between what and what.

Good Trait, or Bad Trait For My Vampires?

I am writing a vampire novel called "Tainted Pages". Well, the trait for all vampires in my book, are outrasgeously colored eyes. Well, um, like, UGH, I don't really know how to explain it to you. Well Milo's eyes are turquoise with black swirls. the number of swirls in the eyes, marks how old they r to other vampires. like when you saw the trunk of a tree off, and look at the rings in the stump. Tell meh, what u guys think about it lolz. :D

Who will win the world series this year?

i gotta go with the Yankees..especially with the turnaround of vasquez and hopefully phil can build on his performance (except for the 6th inning) i realy love the Yankees chances and the lineup is gonna be there. bullpen seems to be getting it together too.

Can I train my rabbit to not poop on my bed?

Short answer - no. Rabbits don't only poop when they need to go. They also do it to mark boundaries and territory, and this is not something you can train out of them - it's bunny instinct. It's probably a little risky to have him loose at night or when you can't watch him. You won't know what he's chewing or getting into. I never let my bunnies out in the house without being supervised, just for safety's sake, and because sometimes they can damage things you don't want damaged!

Do you know someone who has gone through complete depigmentation of the skin ???? (u know, like Michael J)?

I do know someone who went through vitiligo. She was dark african american. In the beginning, she wore makeup to cover the white spots. Towards the end, she just let it show. She didn't go through the forced depigmentation, but I know she researched it. Check with a dermatologist in your area, they will have references for a specialist.

Is it normal to be very worried about everything in early pregnancy?

Yes it is normal to worry. This is my first pregnancy and miscarriage was my worst nightmare (finally in the "safe" second trimester). I worried about the symptoms I had and about the symptoms I didn't have. I freaked out at every little cramp and was basically making myself crazy. What you have to remember though is that stress is bad for your baby and you stressing will only increase the likelihood that something will go wrong. Once I had that in my head I was able to calm down and just enjoy being pregnant.

When can I feel my baby kick outside?

I'm 19 weeks and I just barely started feeling the baby kick a couple days ago. When will other people start to see and feel the baby? Also the baby only kicks once or twice a day. When will I feel the baby more regularly? It doesn't seem to matter if I have a gl of oj or have just eaten. And sorry- 1 more question- I only feel the baby kick in one place, is this normal? Shouldn't the baby be moving around more?

Where can I go to take out a private student loan without a co-signer?

A lot of the time it is hard for students to take out private loans without the co-signer because most are just starting off in their credit, but you should really stick to doing stafford loans because they are really the best. Or you should try a parent plus, or talk to your advisor about other options that may be available. Did you try for scholarships?

My 4 year old still wants a dummy (pacifier). Any advice?

I have tried to take them but he just trows terrible tantrums and to be honest I have eventually given in to him.

Where are the student areas of Leeds?

I'm going to uni in leeds in sep, can't affor uni accomodation so where are the student areas i can look for a house share?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's the name of this movie?

I watched this movie years ago and remember loving it, so I wanted to buy it on DVD but I can't remember what it was called. It was made either in the 80s or 90s and was about this arcade video game which was actually people from outer space used to see who would make a good spaceship pilot. This kid ends up getting a perfect score and is enlisted and taken to outer space to help with some war and blah blah blah. o_o Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Are orthodontist pacifiers are good for the teeth?

no. All pacifiers are bad if used excessively. My niece uses an orthodontic paci and she still has crooked teeth

Got my bfp when af was 8 days late. Today 10 days late I went to the dr and did a pee test and it was negative?

they said it might be to early still but I already had 2 positives. Does this mean I lost my baby? I still have no af.

MY gf lied to me plz help?

I been with my gf 8 months now so one day i ask her why didn't she come on to talk to me, (we live a few miles apart so can't se her all day only a few time) she tells me her uncle is using her labtop in the mornings since he forgotten his, (at this time im on my xbox 360 on windows live and on fb i couuldnt cheak my mail ) so she comments syaign she gonna be a shops and such so i said did u really send me a latetr letting me know your uncle was using the labtop? she says yes evven psoted me "the lettter" so then i get my computer back working i ask her for her email to cheak the message she "sent me" so its nto there. she claims she sent it but deletd it cuz she tohguht i bleieve her so not use for it? so i new she was lllying right off the back, so then i go on her page on this site called tagged she has some girl and this lad as her fav friend, so im like who is he why he on ur fav? she like ohh what lad sorry i ment to delete him , so i said why didnt u do it after u realize he was on ur fav she tell me she forgot and didnt se it >.< then she go i swear on my auntie grave to me (shes suppose to be a christian like me btw) so im like okimam blieve her since she sweared , so then i said since u meant to dleet him (she told he its cuz he sent dirty message) so i ask for the message, she sends it and the date said jan 2010 , but its fab 2011 and she didnt have the account until march 2010 so im like are u ylign to me the date is wrong so it took me hours then she admits she lied about the messages and stuff said she done it out of jelaous and didnt want me to think negitive of her . so i gave her a 2nd chance and im wondering was it the right thign to do and how can i trust her agian ? thanks for reading and repyling

Are there any companys that custom make speedos?

I found a web site long time ago. You could specify your size, pic colors and styles. It was pretty cool with lots to choose from. They had kid sizes, teens, and adult. Can't find it anymore on the web. Does anyone know of anything like that?

Ok, so I saw on CNN last night an interview with?

Michael Moore and he is just AWESOME! He was giving his opinion on the whole you-know-who raid in Pakistan, and he was spot on. Who else thinks he's awesome! Can I hear a whoo-hoo! if you don't like him don't bother answering.

Was I wrong for leaving Dad?

well i would have left him along time ago, but i can see why you should stay. he's terminal you know, yea he's apparently a d*ck, but you might regret not spending all the time with him that you could before he dies, even if its not fun...i dont know, but i dont think you were wrong by leaving, but you might regret it in the future...good luck hon!

Can a domestic cat withstand temps INSIDE a house if temps reach 22 degrees w/no heat in house?

I'm leaving my house for a few days. My adult cat with about 1 1/2 inches of fluffy hair, food and water will be available and the heat will be off, since I heat my house with wood heat. The temp may drop to as low as 22 - 32 in the house. Will my cat be OK? I have plenty of blankets for her to snuggle into too. I just want to know if she will be fine? Please be truthful....thank you

Would you have preferred Osama go on trial?

It would have been better to make him PAINFULLY SUFFER for years and years instead of giving him the simple way out. However, now that he is dead, I feel better than if he was still "around".

I got answers on my other question about my girlfriend?

but she is very healthy she has fruit and and veg and exercises each day and she is a championship mountain biker

Why do so many National Geographic photographers live in Virginia?

I noticed that many National Geographic photographers live in Virginia, even though they may come from New York, Minnesota, even Turkey originally. Is there a strong photographic community in Virginia or is there another reason their photographers may choose to live there? (The headquarters are in Washington DC, so that has been ruled out)

Is it true Italians are not mixed with black but Arab?

I initially thought they were mixed with black but a white guy told me they were actually part of the 'brown' group that included Iraq, and Iran, Syria, and Jordan. Is this true?

Been to Singapore? Had Fun?

Yes, I went there with my parents when I was 13, I think. We rode on a bus than turns into a boat in the water. I remember there was some kinda of laser show that we went to. I don't remember much else.

I'm a singer, I've been congested for two weeks and....?

I'm completely clueless on what's occurring! The congestion is wearing off now but my voice is still in cold mode! I've been at rest for a while now. You know, not belting out every day and drinking plenty of fluids but nothing is working. I have a lot of performances coming up. Can you give a girl a hand and give me some advice? Much appreciated! :-)

Who was your club's greatest ever captain?

Mr. Arsenal himself, Tony Adams. Spent his entire 19 year career at the club making 672 appearances and scoring 48 goals!! became Captain in 1988 until his retirement in 2001. Along with Nigel Winterburn, Lee Dixon and Steve Bould, Tony Adams was part of the ‘famous four' probably the most famous back line in the English game.

Kris Versteeg or Joe Pavelski?

I'm currently going to drop one my players on my fantasy hockey league. Should I pick up Kris Versteeg or Joe Pavelski? Thanks for any suggestions

Would this be a acceptable way to marinade chicken ?

Can I have my frozen chicken thawed out to room tempature , then keep it in the refridgerator. Then marinate it with my sauce and place in plastic ziplog bag and fridge it for a few more hours and then bake ?

If Owen Daniels is out for the year, is the Texans season over?

That doesnt mean that the Texans season is over by any means, but it does hurt the squad. I think this is going to make some Texans players start to arise very quickly like Kevin Walter, David Anderson, Jacoby Jones, Andre Davis, and it will also give the TE spot to rookie James Casey. The Texans have looked great so far on not only offense but also defense. If this injury is a season ending injury then it will be upseting but I hope that the Texans just keep there heads held high. The season is not over yet, now lets try to make the playoffs!!(:

Can heartburn cause????????????????

I have some chest tightness, which is making it feel like Im having difficult breathing could heartburn cause this? I also went to the hospital last week & they said bronchitis could be setting in but I also always have BAD heartburn could that also cause some of the chest tightness & feeling short of breathe?

Is Paul the antichrist, the wolf in sheep's clothing within "The Way"?

im sorry to say this, but paul is the earliest source that mentions jesus at all. What you consider to be the gospels came after paul and built upon his work. So if you accept that paul may have been wrong (and i agree with you)...all the other gospels were also wrong. The actual alleged disciples of jesus wrote nothing...that was the pen name of the authors of the gospel who wrote long after any of these disciples could have still been alive.

How is lifestyle in Bahrain?

It is all relative. You could end up on a slave labour contract living in a slum. Asians have an awful time in The Arab states.

Doubt regarding pregnancy test help....thanks?

we are trying for a baby for 6 months and last period was jan4 and we had based on ovulation calender,my due was feb7 and i had symptoms like mild cramps,nausea,and am damn sure that this time i would surely get luck but when we tested using checkone feb8 noon it came negative but we found later that the product is oly fro after a week of due then we have tested today noon using check one fast which is to be taken on or after due,,,,but it came back negative,but from yesterday am going to bathroom more times but comes very little urine each very eager to know when to be tested again and by which tester because i live in japan here brand is not much more,,,thanks



Where can I download the desktop animation "Saddam in Rear Guard Action"?

This desktop animation is actually from "" but I can't find it there, so is there any other site where it's available?

Friday, August 12, 2011

My roommate needs my help all the time?

anytime my roommate uses his computer he needs help. Most of the time it is stuff like, where is criagslist, or how do i find an episode of whatever. It's so annoying cause i can find all this stuff in seconds and i want to just yell at him look it up yourself you big moron. He's totally computer illiterate he doesn't know how to do anything, except ask me ******* questions. So what would you suggest i do before i explode on him?

Spanish help. Did I write this correctly?

Cuando me mandaste ese correo diciendo 'nunca muerdas la mano que te da de comer', eso me dolio mucho porque es como si estuvieras diciendo que t� haces mucho por m� y crees que no te lo agradezco, y que soy una ni�a que no sabe valorar nada.

Now what to expect in Copa America?

Mexico beat Ecuador 1-0 in Ecuador and tied Colombia in Colombia after starting with doubtful starts like 3-0 loss to Venezuela and tieing 2-2 against a colombian team named medellin.I mean thats improvement knowing this squad isnt the Gold Cup one and pulling these very positive results.So can we dream that Mexico can surprise us in a good way in Copa America?

I usually use frontline on my dog but i used first shield trio is that going to be ok?

I already put it on him.. have you used it on your dog before? Is it safe? ami going to see some improvement soon cause he is still itching alot? Are there any side effects to this medicine?

What does my name mean, if anything, in any languages, & what region of Europe is it from?

You're right it's hard to find anything about your last name. What it could be is that the name has been changed some time in history. Like it use to be a different name. The Site below does not have your last name... but it talks about what I said above.

Why when i start yahoo from Internet explorer does it go to that crap new page but firefox still loads good 1?

hate the new yahoo page but they took away the option for clic page, even if i manually type it in it goes to new page, but start firefox and it loads old page.... hmmmm come on yahoo, take something good and ruin it in the name of upgrade

What do think about the majority of mexicans backing up pacman against oscar?

its funny how oscar said he wants this fight against pacman to redeem all mexicans,for 1,oscar is not mexican,oscar is american!2 real mexicans have never liked oscar!only girls & f@ggots cheer for mexican & im going for pacman in this fight because oscar hasno business in the ring because he is washed up &only stupid ppl will pay for this this article a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Hello. I'd like to know what famous gangs are found in Switzerland?

Hello. I'm doing research on street gangs in other countries, and I'd like to know what famous and popular gangs are found in Switerland? The closest thing I could find was "Lone Brother Group", but that's a biker gang. Please let me know and please list as many Swiss street gangs as possible. Thank you.

Ah! Electronics coursework! Please help if you can!?

Find the actual number of the chip. I don't think it's DIL 18, that just means it's a dual in-line package with 18 pins. Once you have the actual designation, use Google to find a data sheet. It will show the pinout of the chip, explain how it works, and maybe even have a circuit for building a timer. Or call up where you bought the chip and they might have a data sheet.

I am a pisces girl and am infatuated with a gemini boy, is there hope?

I am a pisces girl and i am infatuated with a gemini boy who approached me from the start and is sincerely happy everytime he sees me. he spends a lot of time with me and i think he is going to be my official boy soon. i know that pisces and geminis are a for not being compatible but i have a feeling that this could work. ive gone out with two geminis in the past and i broke up with both due to not being there emotionally but this one is more deep. If his birthday is a few days off from being a taurus then could that make all the difference in combatibility because he seems like a taurus more and is there anything else that could help me and my gemini work?

Who sing this song on the radio?

I heard this new song on a station that plays r and b and rap. In the song a background voice, sounds like michael jackson a lil bit sing "o hoo hoo". The song is song by a girl. It also sounded like she says..."i nearly lost my (something sounds like mind)..." like i said its a relativley new song...and its not gwen stefani

What kind of contractor do I need to call?

Good HVAC Contractor should be able to do most. Bathroom leak might require a plumber, but I wouldn't bother with any HVAC Contractor that isn't a qualified electrician anyway.

Advertisment For Any Kind Of Business?PLEASE READ?

Is there any way you can advertise any business online or on newspaper and brochure that has a fast responce on getting people to come to your business.

What do you think about this article "Ichiro believes the slap single can be a sign of iness"? It it true?

I'm a fan of Duk and i read his big league stew daily but yeah i agree it was weird. Although I disagree with the whole "all chicks dig the long ball" because quite frankly homeruns aren't that impressive to me *shrug* Call me weird but i'm more of a pitching/defense kinda girl ;)

Starving?will make me lose weight??

hello everyone. i want to lose 20 kgs in 6 months; is it possible if i starve myself most of the times; n when i want to eat sthing i eat a frauit or drink only water. am fed up that others look at me and say:"oh, u've put on weight". give me tips please. thank you in advance.

Christians: What if in Heaven God tells you he never killed anyone in the OT and the bible was wrong?

Would you be happy about that? The only way you could be happy about that revelation was if you thought it was bad for him to kill those people in the first place. But that's impossible since you already think he's perfect. Or do you think he's flawed and imperfect?

What is wrong with my computer?

the problem sounds physical instead of vertual files missing, make sure you watch the temperatures that your laptop is running at, the heat could be warping medal inside the hard drives and causing inproper disk functions

What are some good Skateboard shoes?

Hi,im going to get some new shoes due to the fact my other shoes have BIG holes in them.My current shoes are suede and they ripped within 2 months of me buying them.Does anybody know what type of material is durable?Or what brand makes good,durable shoes?I dont wanna have to buy 70 dollar shoes every 2 months.Oh and my current shoes are Nike SB(the ones with BIG holes in them)

Knitting or crochet?

my friends sister makes hats and sweaters and she sells them to people but she wont tell us if what it is so i wondering if its knitting or crochet because i want to learn and make some so i can also get lots of $

Very weird ....Is something wrong with me?

My friend showed me some she has of a girl who hypnotizes guys to **** them...I lied to her by telling her it was weird. But it really turned me on a whole lot. I masturbate about it like 2 to 3 times a day. Is it weird of to to be this way. should i get help?

Melatonin & Sleep -- any relevant advice on this? Serious & thoughtful answers appreciated. No wise'en'heimers?

A Melatonin tablet (3 mg) is very effective, and also unlike Ambien is not addictive. I prefer it also for the price, too. As Ambien requires a perscription, and Melatonin can be purchased very inexpensively over the counter. Each individual is different, but I've had great results using the Melatonin. Hope you will as well. It's gentle on your system also in that you will not suffer any hang over symptoms. Shift work is awful, and I understand. That is why; I highly recommend the Melatonin. Good night, sweet dreams, and feel great when you wake up !

Could this building be making me sick?

Been working for 3 1/2 years at this place and after the first year is when everything started. Had pneumonia 3 times in 1 year. Took antibiotics and steroids. Felt better for 3-5 weeks. Then the same symptoms come back. Docs say that it could be chronic bronchitis or COPD I don't even smoke. Took a leave of absence for a short time while feeling better and had no problems, then finally went back to work and the very first day, everything started started over again. I work underneath a vent and I have heard that the building might have asbestos in it. Could this building be making me sick?

Stainless steel water bottle has salt stuck in it.?

so a while back i got bronchitis. My buddy told me that i should either throw away or figure out how to clean my stainless steel water bottle. Then I decided that if i filled it with extremely salty water, and left it there for a month or two it would die. Well that worked, Or i hope it did, but now theirs salt crystalized onto the inside of the waterbottle. I don't want to have to buy another one, because i have lots of memories with this one. And i decorated it really nicely. Any idea how to get the salt thats now stuck in the inside. And lets not be the old lady who swallowed a fly here. I want something that will work, but not cause another problem. Thanks yall. Much love.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What would you do????

That is not cool. No one should have to change like that in a relationship. She shouldn't have chose him over you. You sound like a better person and she was really close to you. Unfortunatly people go through this and eventually realize what they have done was not a good decision. Anyways just try talking to her and offering help if she needs it. Tell her she is being treated very badly and can find someone else who will treat her better. Hope this helped and good luck!

Got Caught with a spraycan by the cops.. hELP!?

OK lets say im walkin the streets around 3 am [[pes my kurfew]] and i have a spraykan on me [[im 16 so im too young to have them]] and a cop goes up to me and asks me what am i doing this late kuz i look really young and he saw that i had a spraykan WHAT WOULD THE KOP DO?

If baseball had enforcers like hockey, would Pappelbon and Ramirez be able to showboat as much?

That would be awesome, and I hope that Girardi, unlike Torre, has the to throw at some of these guys when they start throwing at them. That used to be the way it was. Now that they cracked down on retaliatory action, all the ******* are coming out of the woodwork and showboating. The Red Sox seem to accept, if not revel, in the sbags they sign to play in Boston.

Is it possible to take MARCH degree after BTECH in civil engineering?

Hi iama civil engineering student and iwant to do march degree after compleeting my btech ...................but i am very confused that march degree is allowed for us ???????............please help me in this appropiate information.....................i will be very thankful for this helping persion.........................

New to selling on Ebay?

Never sold on Ebay before, just want to sell little things, nothing very valuable. Just wondering if anyone can give me a quick and easy run down of the basics? All the talk on the website about seller's fee's and stuff is totally bombarding me. And it's hard to tell which stuff applies to me and what stuff doesn't. Any tips or information you could give me would be fab. Thanks in advance :)

Is it is safe to give our Credit card information to

i m lookinf forward to download some videos from rapid share just iwant to ask that is it is safe to put our credit card information out there.because i have listened from my friends that lots of sites are frauds they get information of your card and uses your money.Thanks for your advices

"Conservation of energy" refers to the fact that?

In out three dimensional universe (4 if you include time) D would be the correct answer. Add in hyperspace and D is no longer the correct answer.

How can i fill my 1mo up?

Is there anything I can do to fill my Son up? He is a month old and constantly hungry! If he is awake he wants to eat! He will spit pacifiers out! He stays awake for like 3 hrs n the whole time acts like he is starving! He will take about a 20 min break but wants back to eatin again! I put him on formula Cuz low milk production but anything I can do?

Whats a free sim pack and will they send me one?

im on VOdafone for my mobile phone, and the ad for the O2 free text for life thing came up, so i sent a text, and then sent a text back saying to send where you live, so i did that and they said theyll send out a free sim pack. do you think they will ? (note they also said it would take up to 2 weeks to arive) butwhat is a free sim pack?

What do you think this dream means??? Plz help?

Very complex dream and wonderful attention to detail. Manyyyy interpretations for this particular dream exist, however I will present to you the most logical answer. You have been busy at work lately, yes? Subconsciously or perhaps consciously you feel overwhelmed by it, and fear losing Chris (Im uming he is your boyfriend) over work. If this would happen, you feel you could not find another man like him, and that he would find someone you THINK is better than you. This is because you may or may not consciously think that you in some way hold Chris back from his full potential in either life or love, possibly both. Leave a comment to this if you have further questions, I hope I helped.

What do I do about a black dot on my computer's LCD screen? (Already tried a few methods...)?

I'm sure if you read a guide on fixing this problem then you've seen all the voodoo for fixing dead pixels. This is pretty much what I would have recommended. Maybe it will go away?

How many alleles will a man have for a -linked character?

One, because he has one X chromosome, and -linked characteristics are those which are due to genes which appear on the X but not the Y.


I'm happy for him and all but i wanted Adam to win. They are both talented and all but Adams vocal range and ability to perform is miles beyond Kris'. I understand people voting for him because they just like his voice one more time, but it makes me sick to see all of those little teenage girls who voted for him just because "he's cute". It's a vocal contest, not a beauty pageant you shallow preppy little b*tches! Vote for him because you think he is a better singer, performer, etc., not because of his looks! I am happy for though and think that both of them are very talented and will go far.

Baby formula question...?

i am using similac advance currently. ive heard that some formula's have high frutose corn syrup and estrogen hormones and viral dna, hydrochloric acids added to them...can anyone tell me if these are in this formula? the ingredients dont say those words...and what formula dosnt have these things in them? also what harm will this do my baby?thanks

How do i claim a youtube account that hasn't been used in 6 years?

Try signing up for the user name. If it's still active there is probably nothing you can do. But yes you could try to email them and see if you can request it. It won't hurt a thing. The worst they can do is say, "No."

Which Structure Deck should I get?

Warriors Triumph is the best out of those, (I have all 3) But The Dark Emperor or Dragon Lords decks are the top ones, I highly suggest you get one of these because they have great cards and they rely on strategies not types. Get whatever you like though because it's your choice ^_^.

Is it true the government is trying to make it required to get swine flu vaccine or you will be penalized?

I think not But they are, heck, I'll write to Patterson. You can't force people to take a flu shot/h1n1 flu shot. People can get sick from the shot (I got sick from the flu shot.. :|)

How do We end an LLC Corporation?

My husband and I have had a small business for several years, and formed an LLC for liability protection. We want to end our business at the end of this year and are hoping to do the forms ourselves. Does anyone know where to find the forms that we need to end an LLC Corporation. All that I can find on the internet is Attorneys that dissolve an LLC for you. We want to do it ourselves. Has anyone done the paperwork for dissolving an LLC? I am trying to locate the forms. Also, are the forms very difficult to do?

I feel really bad that i blew it with someone i care about.?

Meet this girl in work a few weeks back,we get on great and really get on and chat whether that be texing,talking in work or over facebook. also we flirt all the time.We are both very open with each other and have chatted about lots of stuff including .So i ask her out for a drink tuesday just gone.She said yes but its not a date and i agree to it.So we go out have a a good time,chat over a few drinks.We talk about how many people we have been with in the past and that even know she has been with way more then me i dident care cos i like her and we have all had our fun even me.So i was driving her home that night and we got caught in the moment and started to kiss and take each others clothes off and she stoped and said i cant do this i said ok..i dident mean to make you feel like this.she said your just like all the other guys,we talked a little and sais i was not after that i just really like her and just got lost in the moment with her.We talked a little more and i said i was intrested in her for her and not and if you change your mind just let me know.She told me she had some stuff to sort out with herself cos she is in love with someone she should not be.Then we hugged for a while then started to kiss again,after i dropped her home and she sent me a tex saying how lovley i am and really fun it is hanging with you.Well things have changed a little since then,she does not come over to talk to me as much as she used to or even on facebook,We still get on and talk but not in the way it was,I asked if she was free to hang out next week and she went mad saying why so that can happen again.She then said i had that all planed what happened when we went out and i thought of it as a date and i just took advnage like all the other guys.I said sorry but i do like you,i just caught in the moment,i have respect for you,i dont know how many times i can say sorry for what happened and if you want to be friends then thats ok with me.She then said if thats what you say...i just dont know how to make things right..i feel really bad

This is Czech: "Edri tvoyu mat'" Does anyone know what it says in English?

This is a Czech saying and I can't find it on the Internet unless it's fully in Czech with no translation capabilities. Someone referred my name to this. Can someone who knows the Czech language tell me what this means in English?

I have question about, Matthew 23:25-26?

I always thought it meant that they ate theft and violence, I mean, that they took it into themselves, that they put sin into themselves. Hence the line about purifying your insides, he means to stop bringing evil into yourselves, then you won't appear evil outside. I mean, what he said about the blessing the cup and plate of theft and violence, he meant that they tried to make it look like the worshiped God, on the outside, they made themselves Godly. His lesson was to not take the evil into themselves to be Godly, not to be Godly by blessing it and using Godly words. Hope that makes some sense. Have a nice day! :) -Meg

How do I not be sad that Christmas is over?

I had a good time, but now I am depressed because My grandparents and my cuzins Have left. I feel like I will never see them again or I will not see them for a long time because they live far away. Plus, I have to go back to school soon and I still have an essay and a math packet to do. I hate school and I dread coming back to it. I absolutely love Christmas commercials before and during Christmas time, but now that Christmas is over, seeing Christmas commercials is kinda cheesy, and it reminds me that Christmas is over. Also, the Christmas tree is wilted and the ornaments are falling off. I am afraid that the world really will end in 2012, and I only have one Christmas left now before the end. I may not even see my extended family next Christmas! I am just really depressed right now. :( Who feels the same way? How can I feel better?

If Putin decides to move tanks into Europe, do you really want Obama in charge? Neville Chamberlain again?

Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy, Gore, Kerry, Hillary; All weak kneed Democrats that Putin will eat for lunch.

I hate my job.........?!?

You are only 21. You don't want to grow old without being proud of yourself, otherwise you will be an old senile, complaining gramp. You need to sit down, and think about what you want to do with your life. Think fast and hard, and make a decision. Time pes by very quickly, and believe you me, you will regret that you didn't make a good career. Go back to college, study to be a computer programmer, and you'll have the least stressful, one of the best paying, and flexible jobs on this planet. Full time, it will take you about 4-5 years to get the Master's Degree. 4-5 years for the rest of your life...

What size engine is the Ford inline 6?

A buddy of mine called and said his uncle had a F150 with a good motor but a trashed and it was rear ended. I've been looking for a engine for a swap into my Bronco II but all the info he has on the engine is it is a Ford Inline 6. I've done the google search and it says that it is most likely a Ford 300 4.9. Did Ford make any other inline 6 engines?

What do you think........?

you are too young to take a serious decision like that , try to volunteering in many organizations to help others , there are many ways to hPTKeople take care of your study you could be a physician or in any career that helps people . finally, when you are older you will have enough experience to take this decision.

Looking for an older country song... anyone want to help?

I think the song might be by Joe Nichols or Blake Shelton? It was around between 02 and 03... about his brother being late for a job on a boat and the brother dies. There is part of the video where fire trucks and cops are flying by a diner and a waitress drops a pitcher of beer all slow motion like. The artist is on the boat in a white beater and then in a hotel room lookin deal playing his guitar while he's singing... anyone can help that would be awesome!

Has anyone used the kangaroo Hops workout to strengthen their legs?? If so, did it work for you?

I have done a lot of frog hops and those work. They are part of my training for running middle distance for track.

Is it possible to remotely access a wireless products such a bluetooth, On-Star, GPS in vehicles?

Could it be possible that a internet hacker can access and control a vehicle's PCM module, acceleration and brake control, anit-lock breaks, unlocking the car? Several months ago China's colleges hacked was trying to hack into the Pentagon, could they have actually hacked into a Toyota's electronic system? If On-Star can unlock and start a vehicle so can anyone else that knows the components..Food Thought!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Politically speaking,are you doing something about your "carbon footprint"?

no. I've never needed any politician to tell me to do what is right. My parents taught me that and to think for myself.

Bumps appearing on ... help?

They could be warts. They could also be foliculitis. Try washing them with Hibiclens--a special anti-bacterial soap you can get at a drug store or pharmacy.

Why do you guys lie that illegal immigrants caused much of the crime in the US?

Your figures are flawed. For one thing, there aren't only two groups, illegal aliens and legal citizens. If you can't figure that out I don't think there's much sense in reading the rest of your rant.

DNA bonds question help?

Why is it advantageous to have weak hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs and strong covalent bonds between phosphate and deoxyribose groups in a DNA molecules?


which is the best/goriest/scariest. the original old skuwl version. the 2003 one wit jessica biel or the newest one from 2006. DO NOT PUT NONE WERE SCARY. U WILL NOT GET POINTS. U HAVE TO PICK ONE

Why do you like Manga/Anime?

Well they r not all similar.there are so many types of anime and manga that everyone can find at least something they like.they dont all look the same and the stories well it depends .some are more juveneile than others but there are some serioues one like DEATH NOTE and stuff.

Bust, waist, and hips measurements?

Everyone grows at different rates. Ignore the comment left that you are overweight, that is ridiculous. You haven't yet reached your adult size, which may be bigger or smaller than you are at present. Some people have puppy fat others have bigger builds. You don't know how tall you will end up. What you are describing is actually a really well balanced size and in proportion. Nothing unusual.

What exactly is a born again christian?

Forgive my ignorance but I am not American and though it seems self explanatory it still confusing to an outsiders. Does it mean you go back into a Christian church such a Catholicism or is it a separate religion all together with it's own churches and take on the bible etc.

What do you call a person that illigally sells birds of prey?

someone that illigally sells birds of wouldnt be like a falconer would it? Specificaly falcons.

LGBT: Am i being stupid?

hey, sacrifice a little. Don't be afraid of anything. If she wanted you to come, it's best for you to try to come for her, not just hiding. Who cares what her mother think of you. Heck, all mothers usually hated everyone her children dated, it's common. If you become a mother, you would understand.

Best guitars for hard rock?

I'm looking for a new guitar. I play mostly hard and clic rock such as foo fighters and nirvana. What guitars should I take a look at?

How can i deflate my ball. The ball i bought was from Walmart's ball cage.?

It looks like this :,r:7,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667

Why am i in so much pain please help!!?

im 16 and Ok for a month iv been having back pain threw out my whole neck feels stiff and i have a sharp pain in my upper back and my lower back is like throbbing..i went to a doctor and he took x-rays and he said..i had scoliosis but it wasnt bad enough to cause me pain..and then he just gave me the i dont know look.The past week my back has felt better but tonight i exersised just a little and my back hurt so was so only back should not be hurting like this without a reason..what could this be

Serious heartache! Needing Godly advice.?

Apparently he is not mature enough to handle his own life yet. I am leaning on the fact he is kind of a jerk and if you would have married him his folks will or would have caused you more problems. take this time to find something to do on your own and allow this attraction to dissolve.

What will the 2008 Presidential election reslts be? popular and electoral?

I think that in a two way race, the Democrat will win the popular vote with 54-57 percent of the vote, and will get at least 300 electoral votes, whoever the nominee is. Once a Dem is settled, with the kind of ads running against McCain, there is no way he will win, because they will literally morph his face into Bush

Why do atheists CLAIM that......?

If Christians would be separate from the world, like we are commanded, then others would see a difference in our lives. But as it is there is not much difference between the believer and the unbeliever.

What do i put on a burn thats cracking?

First thing is to make sure it stays clean. As long as it's not turning red on you (sign of infection), you might try putting a little Neosporin ointment on it. That'll keep it from drying and cracking, and also provide some antibiotic protection. The other poster suggested aloe vera--that is good, but for myself, I'd prefer the antibiotic ointment. If it is infected, then I would suggest you go visit your doc.

Searching for a book - short story about teeny aliens invading?

I am looking for a book of short stories. The one in particular is about - Earth gets message of alien invasion, get all worried but know where they're landing. Aliens land in green forest and soldiers can't find spaceship. Turns out aliens are teeny-tiny and landed in gr. ??? It's at least 15 years old

What are my chances of being accepted to at least one ivy?

Your SAT scores seem a little low, but everything else seems in check. Maybe your other activities will make up for your SAT score.

Do u think j.k rowling should wright about teddy lupin , or the maruders?

i heard j.k rowling may right a book or 2 about teddy lupin of the maruders ( sirius , james,remus,peter) . we never see them that much but all of them turn out to be real important to harry , good or bad (peter) . teddy lupin would make a good story and we can have alot of fun with this character , his past life , his relationship with most people in the book , and mabey a few adventures . also the said she really wanted to make a book about the maruders , there school life and the pain and good times , all leading to betray and saddness , she she really intrested in that ..... makes sence cause teddy and the maruders are the only people we never really get to understand or see much ,.... she s not going to make about dumboldore , or anyone else , but a exsiclopidia is on the way for sure , she king of left us hanging .

How do you know how much to lose weight?

if im on a treadmill or something and i work realy hard i hear it loses muscle m, is this tru and if so, how can i know how much to treadmill and stuff without losing muscle?

Name lists! When you look back ....?

i like the names james, josh, austin, mike, sam, and jake for a boy and becca, jammie, amy, amanda, heather, jenna, keily, hailey, clair and jade for a girl but they haven't changed over the years

Any good Malaysian restaurants in the NY borough area?

the one i go to is in brooklyn on the corner of 8th ave and 54th street. it's called nyonya or something like that. i'm pretty sure there is one with the same name in the little italy/chinatown area

When you see the Ocean, how do you feel?

And will the one ever understand? What price a soul when it's your own? Strong words and the Ocean is always a she!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Question on game availibilty on gamefly?

On game fly theres a game that doesnt come out until september (nhl 2010) it says i can rent it so can i rent it right now and theyll ship it there next shipping time or do i have to wait until september when it comes out and then they will ship it in september? thanks

Windows Program onto Mac?

There are emulators for windows program on mac just types windows emulator for mac into google and look it up

I Dont UnderStand My Schedule At ALL!!

ask your friends how to read it... obviously if they can see it right they must know how to read it... also maybe your computer is messing up the schedule. try looking on another computer

I miss my girl pal, help?

Well maybe her new boyfriend also feels jealous of you because you 2 are really close friends....and since he IS her boyfriend after all she cut ties with you a bit to secure that....although deleting u from msn bebo fb and all that is a bit drastic...but I don't know...I really don't see anything wrong in what she did...people do sacrifice certain things to keep their relationships going and as long as SHE is comfortable with it, it's her also should start going out more and seeing other girls

What is wrong with the world?

All the greed, drug addiction, promiscuous , gambling, selling of our bodies as commodities, all the people dying of starvation, torture, slavery, the every day people turned psychopaths and m murders, rapists and pedophiles - depression, suicide and mental illness; man made disasters and war - is it going to get worse or better?

Am i in love or infatuated? help!!?

i cant stop thinking about him. he is always in my dreams. when i am around him im always smiling.. ever since we graduated high school we went our separate ways. i have his number but am too afraid to call him..its been 6 months since i have seen him..what do i do? do u think if its meant to be faith will bing us together? or should i finally call him this new years?

Does Diesel Make Skinny Jeans for Guys? ?

or do people just allure them? where did those skinny diesels that zac efron was wearing come from cuz i cant find any?

Gerard Way or David Tennant?

Personally i luv david tennant, plus he's scottish, and hosted children in need, and is an amazing actor! i liked him in doctor who and in casanova

Should a person tell any prospective employer that they used weed a few times earlier on in their life?

Hi all! I'm doing a survey about occasional drug use, particularly marijuana. Should a person tell any prospective employer that they used weed a few times earlier on in their life? For instance, if some wants to apply for a police position, whether it's at the federal, state, county level, etc., would that even be a case where the person should tell any prospective employer that they used weed a few times earlier on in their life for experimental, curiousity, and recreational purposes? Would mentioning it really affect the person getting employed or not? Afterall, they're just being honest and they haven't used it at all since then. I don't believe in lying even though many people lie each and everyday all around the world. In terms of employment and careers, would that be a case not to mention it even it would be "lying"? Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks!

A couple of DEP questions?

I am heading off to MEPS on Monday, and I will be put into the DEP program. Right now I'm 6'0 and weigh 196lbs. I know that the cut off is 202lbs, so I think I should be fine there. After I enter DEP do I have to remain under the 202lbs? Not that I'm planning on gaining weight, the exact opposite actually. My goal is 185lbs by bootcamp. And also I work and support my family, these mandatory meetings with the DEP commander (or whatever), what happens if I can't make it? It's not like my family can afford for me to skip work.

What is the esiest software or a site for editing blog or websit?

I am searching for editor for my blog and website, which would be very simple and flexible. moderator?

Why would someone not be able to hold a job (have been forced to quit 2x)?

do you have problems following directions? i noticed that people who get terminated often, try to be the boss once they're in. or they have a hard time being bossed by others. you have to try to take a look at your work ethics from their point of view.

Is there a virus on my computer causing AIM to act weird?

when i am on AIM i lately have been getting random ims from my friends that say "i just posted some new pics on mebo, you should check it out, click the link" i never did but i decided to ignore it. then i kept getting more and more of these from different people on my buddy list, and today i got one from my friend and it said "i posted some hot nudes here log in to see" then a link. that is not like her to say that, and i think my aim has a virus. Help?

Is everyone gone illiterate?

Whats with the grammar these days?is it just me or are people just not bothered anymore about proper grammar? it really gets me annoyed and it seems to be more acceptable these i the only one to think this? and does it bother anyone anymore??

What is the general consensus of the Eagles picking up Anquan Boldin from the Cardinals this year in a trade?

Also, i just heard from a local radio station that Kevin Curtis has a sports hernia. do you think this will bolster the Eagles to talk to the Card's?

Some ash went insdie my cat's ears, is my cat going to be alright, or is he going to die?

my cat is 6 months old went inside the fireplace and got ash on his face and inside his ears,,,, plz help.

TTC - Will I get a BFP in Jan / Feb.....?

Hi there! Havent been on in a while, I've been taking a break from TTC. But as much as I have not been thinking about it, I too have this inexplicable feeling that its coming soon. I had been doing really good staying away from TTC, no tests, no worries, no looking up every twinge i feel, and for the last month or so I have had this feeling that it is going to happen soon. We still havent started trying again, we're not trying not to get pregnant, but we are not actively trying, but I just can not shake this feeling,not that I would want to :) I just feel the urgent need to prepare, to do the things now that i wont be able to do when I am pregnant. I dont know... maybe I really am just going crazy! LOL anyway, I wish you all the luck in the world and am praying that you get your BFP very VERY soon!!

Week three... Favre or Palmer?

Favre will be playing against the Detroit Lions, and Palmer is going to play the Carolina Panthers. I was planning on starting Palmer, but I just wanted some other opinions... Any suggestions or info would be appreciated.

How do you make a dog a little less jealous of another dog?

like im dogsitting my bestfriends dog just overnight and they always go on walks together and love eachother but now that mahtoska is actually in my house rosie is very jealous and wants my attention and if im giving her attention and mahtoska comes up she attacks her! and i yell no and scold her but she still does when ever mahtoska gets close to her otherwise its fine if they keep there distance..but how do i make rosie feel like i still love her the most while at the same time making mahtoska feel welcome?? without makin rose jealous.

Is 3g practical over highspeed internet?

I currently have sbc yahoo dsl, but am currious and consindering a 3g network. I read about a 3g router that you connect a 3g card into and bam you have wireless wireless (not a typo) internet. Me and my friends are going on a long summer trip in our own bus and we wondering if this would be practical if we totally switched to a 3g network for home and for our trip.

Mavs are soon going to be the deepest team? they are getting ready to sign another clutch shooter? read below?

I have been picking the Mavs 3, They are not getting credit for the off season they are having. The Lakers need the lose Odom and the Spurs need to get hurt for them to have a slim chance at the 1 seed. Maybe overshooting yourself, but if the Mavs play the whole season the way they played at the end of last year's regular season they will be a 60 win team and have a chance. However I wouldn't get my hopes up about a championship.

Anyone have a legit shiny houndour?

legit plz. reply back with offers. i have a shiny oddish, entai, rioku, darkrai, geodude, eevee, trapinch. events are tru arceus, tru regigigas, gamestop jirachi, alamos darkrai, wifi darkrai, 10 anniverary celibi, shaymin. anyothers offer plz. all of these are legit^^ thx

If a mosquito was sucking blood on your wrist and you popped your wrist will it blow up?

I heard this from one of my friends and i was thinking i guess this could happen because the mosquito would be sucking blood and if you pop the wrist you would give it too much blood and sorry for this really long sentence/question I'm just really really hyper from some exciting news so please pardon my stupid grammar lol.

BAD GIRLS SEASON 4 what do you think ?

I like Natalie. She seems to be herself even if she is loud. She says what she wants and does what she wants. Flo seems cool but way too manly. I like Portia too. She seems real also. Kate and Amber I don't really care for. AT ALL!!! Season 4 is great so far. Just keep the drama coming!!

Are you gonna watch the Super Bowl?

I'm excited for Super Bowl Sunday! Football is the best sport ever. Even though my team, the New England Patriots are not in it, I'm pumped for the game. It's gonna be a great game with the Steelers and Packers. Sunday is pretty much a national holiday. Are you guys gonna watch the Super Bowl on Sunday?

Why do i feel that the world is so ****** up?

I was a very intense teenager too. I reflected on a lot of things my peers couldn't even comprehend. I never understood why people were violent, or why people didn't recycle. I was a young person with an old soul. It was rare I met someone my age with the intellectual outlooks I had on the world. I don't think you are strange. I think you are more intellectually in-tune to the world than your peers are. Don't let it get you down. You will eventually meet like minded people. :)

What type of match do you prefer (WQ included)?

I would rather have an extreme match. They are more fun to watch. There is more blood than a technical match. I like the technical match, but the extreme matches are way more fun to watch.

Very nervous about track?

Middle school track, don't worry about it. Just go to practices and give 100% if not you'll remain slow. Go the first day, it will be fine, rest of the year you shouldn't be nervous because track goes from Hard-Medium-Easy-(Hard all the time if you want to be good though).

Would this be strange?

if I were in your husband's situation, I'd actually prefer you do that instead of freaking out or sneaking a real cigarette. I am so against smoking. Godo for you for quitting!! :-)

Is it odd to be totally infatuated with your wife?

That's great for you and for her. It's a great thing to be totally in love with her and think she's beautiful. Don't worry what anyone else says. Enjoy your life with her.

After i graduate i plan on getting 3 things done?

i want a job, a nose job, and braces. theyll all cost a lot of money so i cant decide which one to get first...

Whats your type? - fun question.?

I personally have a thing for white guys, with blue eyes. The skaterboy hair, hollister shirts, jeans & converse. :). Taller than me, i'm 5'7' PERFECT EXAMPLE ; what Zac Efron looked like in 17 again. :). But in the personality area, I'd like him to have a sense of humor! Easy to get along with, an animal lover, movie lover MARIO lover & a total nerd, well atleast nerdy about science. <3 ! Anyways my question for you people is What kinda girl/guys are you into? (: I'm just curious. - Thanks. <3

Is there a teaser at the end of x men first cl?

I went to see it last night and they cut the film before the credits had finished. Was there a teaser, and if so what was it?

I need sheet free printable sheet music?

OK i play clarinet and i need help finding sheet music ( printable , free) stuff that's not too hard but will "WOW" my grandmother when i visit her, shes the one who bought me the clarinet and i want to make her feel good about it , please help!!!!!

Is "the secret" just a placebo effect?

i believe this is bullcrap and is just a placebo effect on a m scale. i believe this because everything in the book(i have read it 3-4 times) could realistically and pragmatically be surmised in a few pages, but reading the whole book, keeps you thinking positive the whole time, getting belted with relentess amounts of optimism, which makes it seem that much more precarious when delivering the "solution". if the secret was actually practical on a concrete basis, a whole "bible" of thinking positive would not be necessary and rather a few principle rules would suffice. is it ultimately an addmitted placebo effect, which works more efficiently cause of its scientific basis, and has its covered by,"if you dont believe in it, and think positive, its not true?" or is it actually a modern medicine that could change a person in their totality, rather than just replacing a negative mind-set. if the arguement against my allegations is "thats the whole point, to think positive and good things happen ot people who always are thinking good of themselves" then isnt this just an obsolete platitude, taken to new and unecessary levels, in order to make money? whats going on? explanations?

What should i do? My pepper plant is wilting and looks sickly.?

i grow pepper plants as well, the thing is at first they wasn't producing well, until i moved them from the shade they were in into the sunlight and oh my did they take off where they were limped they stood up and begin producing peppers all over the plants instead of 1 or 2 places so this i know for sure sunlight is better!!!

I really like this guy!!!Help!!?

okay, so i really like this guy name K.j , but i dont know if he likes me ,anyways he doesnt like any of the girls in our grade like friend wise but me and him are like not like bffs but we always talk , and in cl i will stare at him , then he will turn around and smile and wave !! and he like always smile and waves to me and he turns red when i am around him and we always play basketball at recess with our friends but we only got severally close at the last week at school , but we both play summer sports so i sometimes see him at our school and he blushes ,smiles,and waves ! i can never stop thinking about him ,and i always dream about him and I falling in love .Both his friends ,and my friends are really close and his bff is dating my friend and my bff likes his cousin ,but both of our friends say we are good for each other , but he has never dated a girl before ,but he is straight ,and he is shy.Im wild but every time im around i get quiet but we always make each other laugh , I just love him !!! I need some major help What should i do , p.s schools out ,he has no cell phone ,and i dont have his yahoo ,but we have really good chemastry so yeah

Monday, August 8, 2011

Blood Pressure on Mars?

if humans were to live on mars (which has 1/150th of earths atmospheric pressure) would we need a much higher blood pressure or much lower?

Mitt Romney was willing to change his mind about everything else, so why didn't he also (details) ?

Cause he didn't feel that he should have to change who he is in order to please everyone at the same time. I actually think that's a good thing.

The solubility of aspirin in ethanol is approximately 40g/100mL at room temperature. If you had 100% yield...? many milliliters of ethanol would you need to dissolve your product for the recrystallization step?

Can someone just give that boy Brandon Jennings the ROY award already?

Seriously. I was big on him at the beginning of the season, and it seems like I was right. Finally the Bucks have a franchise player since Ray Allen.


There are several factors decides the occurrence of earthquakes.The major one is because of long interval in active fault line boundary. We are expecting major one in California in USA and Himachal predesh in India. As far the volcano is concern my knowledge is 0.

Liberal or Conservative, don't we realize we want more or less the same?

I agree, and that was a very rational thought, but the logistics of how to acheive the goals you listed are where liberals and conservatives heads. And of course, the extreme movements on either side are the ones we generally hear about.

A question to husbands/dads?

Well maybe this can shed some light on things for you, First off I'm a father of 3, and when I choose to start a life with my wife and have children, The plan was to raise them with my wife not my mother nor her mother, and if either one decided that her parenting skills was not to their standards then yes there would be a problem, and no I would not let the decision of my wife be undermined unless my children was at risk, other than that my mother or mother inlaw would respect my wifes parenting desicion and mind her own business or she could stay away and have nothing to do with them, it is hard to be a parent with there is more than 2 main authority figures in the child/childrens lives,so as a mother you have the final say so and you should make sure she understands that, and if your husband can not stand behind you on this then it could esculate into a big problem so talk it over with your hubby first b4 you comfront her, but stand your ground because they are your children not hers, and if you do not teach them to mind and respect you then they never will.

Help me find a song I heard on the Steve Harvey morning show today. Chorus: This is a love song...?

While on my way to work this morning (a little after 7 because I was late ) I heard a song on the Steve Harvey morning show (102.5 here in atlanta) that had a chorus that went something like: "this is a love song, love song" The beat is AWESOME but I can't find the artist or the song title anywhere. I've Googled and asked around. Please help me. My coworkers are going crazy from hearing me sing the chorus over and over again

How is the flood in bangkok affecting town area ? Thanks?

Roy, there is more flooding of the same question here in YA than in all of Thailand. Don't worry about the flooding it will be over by next week. Plus if you want to thank someone give them the best answer.

Explain this to me PLEASE. Mel Gibson, alcoholics, and hospitals.?

I have no problem with Mel Gibson. I simply enjoy his films. His private life is none of my business.

Why can't we have a safari where we see a mole acting in its natural habitat?

You know, I think that moles are pretty interesting. The way they dig underground and live there, that's pretty cool. They're like interesting machines designed by an innovative toymaker that wants to entertain kids with a toy that does something cool. But the thing is, how many times does the average human being come across a mole? Do they ever get to see him running down his hole? Now why can't we have an exhibit where they not only show the moles, but even show a cut-out display of their home? Wouldn't that be cool? We go to zoos to see other animals acting in a naturalized environment, why not moles? I guess that such a thing wouldn't be environmentally correct nowadays, huh? We would be treating the moles like animals by gawking at them while they just try to live their lives, huh? Right then, if we can't see moles in a zoo, why not go on a mole safari? I'm serious. I would pay to go. I never get to see them in real life, it's no longer environmentally correct to see them in a zoo, so how else will I see them? Better yet, why not go on a safari to see beavers. Now *that* would be the coolest. Have you ever seen how they build those houses with branches? They swim underwater and arise inside of the wood-built mound. I think they're even big enough for people to swim into them, like that movie about the alligator. I think it would be cool to be one of those olden-days French fur trappers who scouted around for beavers. I wouldn't want to kill the beavers myself; I would be fascinated enough just by finding the mounds. But how many of us have stumbled across a beaver mound while going about our everyday lives? Why not have a safari where we go out to see one? Then we could enter into the mound through the underwater hole and see what it's like to be all snuggly-safe inside that warm, womb-like structure.

Why is Shawn Marion glad he got traded to Miami?

So he can get a bigger piece of the spotlight. If you really look at it, since Dwayne Wade is prone to missing games, the Matrix gets to be "the man" for stretches during the season. He really gets to show what he is made of now since D-Wade is out for the rest of the season. He is going to have to put the team on his back, and show that he can be an elite player

Can I sing seven octaves?

I'm absolutely positive you can't growl and grumble and squeal seven octaves maybe, sing Maybe you can't sing at all.

My server & email address changed, yahoo groups says my email bounced & won't let me post?

My grp is still trying to send to the old address even tho I updated my profile email address to new one. Says I can't post til I get an email at old address. Arg! Now what do I do? I am one of the moderators of the grp. help please!

What books would you recommend for me?

I know this sounds stupid, but you could give the Star Wars Books a try (YES they exist in books. Trust me. And they're NOT babyish). They're also interesting because they sometimes do the same story over and over, but in the point of view of different people (i.e. instead of being in Luke Skywalker's point of view, you'll be in Darth Vader's). Hope I helped!

What is wrong with my ford bronco?

i have a 1989 full size ford bronco with the 5.0... when it is in park/neutral it runs/idles fine and has no bad sounds or problems... but when its being driven it tends to jerk forward and it pops through one of the air filters and it sounds like the fuel pump isn't keeping up with the motor...thinking it was too much back pressure due to clogged catalytic converters i recently had the cats and muffler replaced... a mechanic told me that its probably not a fuel delivery issue because when we drove it he smelled plenty of fuel... plus the fuel pump primes every time the key is turned on... im hoping it does not need a valve job... any ideas? thanks : )

Blizz-like Private WoW servers?

I want to know some blizzard like WoW servers. DOnt tell me they are illegal, cuz I dont care. It's not like I don't own the game. I have a legit account, but for monetary reasons, I cannot play. Please tell me some blizzard like private WoW servers. Blizzard Like means that they dont have any extras. AKA, now auto 85 servers, added items, etc. etc.

Please help me!! I don't want to embarr myself!!?

The next time you catch him staring at you, look at him and smile, and move on. That'll show him you're interested without revealing too much. Let him make the next move. And yes, I think his mom definitely told him. What mom wouldn't?

Which radioactive metals could kill you just by being near them?

ie. not ingested, just held in the hand. How long would it take and what would be the symptoms? ps. I'm not a maniac - i'm a novelist!

Video Of St Pierre vs Shields?

Are there any websites that will have the George St. Pierre vs Jake Shields fight video up the day after the fight? Id love to watch it before it gets taken down and I have to wait 6 months to see it on tv. Lol.

Any one going to the MCR concert on Feb 16 Dublin Ireland?

Yeah I'm going with my boyfriend :) He's a bigger fan of them than I am but I still really like them. It should be really good.

Who will Global warming effect ?

I don't know but it won't come anytime soon - I predict maybe in the next 50 years? I know this sounds wrong; but I wish I was never born in this generation.

Please help, at my wits end with this sickness. It has been 5 weeks?

Started with a sore throat then turned to a dry cough, after 7 days went to CVS minute clinic who told me it was viral, nothing he could give me. I progressivly got worse over the next week, fever, cough turned wet, got into my regular dr. and was diagnosed with bronchitis, pharyngitis and a double ear infection. wow. prescribed 10 days of 400 mg Avelox with inhaler, delsym & mucinex. Went back to dr. after 8 days on avelox, still terrible cough now with shortness of breath and couldnt take deep breaths w/o coughing (felt like a rattle at the top of my stomach) gave me a breathing treatment which helped and another 7 days of avelox....I am now finished with 17 days of avelox, started to feel better this past monday but by wed my cough has gotten worse again and wet and my ears...its like im in a tunnel??? He never did any x-rays. I am thinkin of going to another dr. any advice on what to do? if it is walking pneumonia, what else can they do? so sick of being sick :( thank you.

Mitt Romney denies knowledge of ALEINS.?

Does Mitt Romney have Secrect Service protection. Because the slogan of the Secret Service is to walk up to a subject of interest and ask them "Have you lived here ALL of your life?" and if the subject gives any sort of reaction involving a discomfort or lie, the subject is escorted away to a secure area and their residence is promptly searched without a warrant. So, is Mitt Romney lying?

Who else thinks it will be the pack and the pats in the superbowl?

I think Pats Bears as well. The Bears should win this week and uming the Packers win on Saturday the Bears will defeat the Packers in the Championship game. Lets face it the Bears you held the door open for the Packers to get into the playoffs are not the same team that had been playing for weeks prior. I believe the changed back to the game plan from the begining of the seasonto see what would happen with the new offensive line set up. They seen it didn't work and they will not use it again. I belive the only team left in the NFC who can beat the Bears are themselves. So I'm predicting a Superbowl XX repeat except with a completly differant score.

What is the name of this character?

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If the Stimulus Plan is for jobs, why won't dems make certain they only hire US citizens?

the house plan adapted use of the E-verify system to make sure people hired with stimulus plan funds, but greasey Harry & the senate democrats killed the provision, they don't care who gets the jobs, isn't that a betrayal of the whole intent of the stimulus plan? Unless it really is just pork/kickback and not about getting American citizens back to work?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

WoW what do i mainly need on equipment with a 70 Mage? Stamina Intellect?

Im not training to level 80 so what do i mainly need as i am at my peak, i know ur spose to get spirit and intellect for mana regen but im not training any more so yeah any one? World of Warcraft

Advice on maternity leave, and staying left?

I will be going on maternity leave soon, and I truly do not like the company I work for. Not only that but once i do return from maternity leave the problem is that on Mondays and Wednesday nights I will not be able to pick my baby up from day care until after 8:30pm. I do not drive and my husband teaches guitar those two evenings. The company is not at all flexible regarding these type of issues. I honestly do not want to return there and I intend on looking for other work towards the end of my leave. Of course if I do not find something I will have to return there. But here is my real issue. In the company handbook it states that any employee not returning from any type of leave will be responsible for the company's monetary input of benefits, unless for an extension of leave, serious illness, or cirstances beyond the employees control. So would lack of daycare be a cirstance beyond my control, or should I just plan to go back for a week or so and then quit. I cant afford to pay my company for their share of my benefits.