Monday, August 8, 2011

Why can't we have a safari where we see a mole acting in its natural habitat?

You know, I think that moles are pretty interesting. The way they dig underground and live there, that's pretty cool. They're like interesting machines designed by an innovative toymaker that wants to entertain kids with a toy that does something cool. But the thing is, how many times does the average human being come across a mole? Do they ever get to see him running down his hole? Now why can't we have an exhibit where they not only show the moles, but even show a cut-out display of their home? Wouldn't that be cool? We go to zoos to see other animals acting in a naturalized environment, why not moles? I guess that such a thing wouldn't be environmentally correct nowadays, huh? We would be treating the moles like animals by gawking at them while they just try to live their lives, huh? Right then, if we can't see moles in a zoo, why not go on a mole safari? I'm serious. I would pay to go. I never get to see them in real life, it's no longer environmentally correct to see them in a zoo, so how else will I see them? Better yet, why not go on a safari to see beavers. Now *that* would be the coolest. Have you ever seen how they build those houses with branches? They swim underwater and arise inside of the wood-built mound. I think they're even big enough for people to swim into them, like that movie about the alligator. I think it would be cool to be one of those olden-days French fur trappers who scouted around for beavers. I wouldn't want to kill the beavers myself; I would be fascinated enough just by finding the mounds. But how many of us have stumbled across a beaver mound while going about our everyday lives? Why not have a safari where we go out to see one? Then we could enter into the mound through the underwater hole and see what it's like to be all snuggly-safe inside that warm, womb-like structure.

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